The HCS Program provides individualized services and supports to persons with intellectual disabilities who are living with their family, in their own home or in other community settings, such as small group homes.
- Case management
- Adaptive Aids
- Minor home modifications
- Counseling and therapies: (includes audiology; speech/language pathology, occupational or physical therapy; dietary services; social work; and psychology)
- Dental treatment
- Nursing
Residential Assistance:
- Host Home \ Foster Care
- Supervised Living
Residential Support:
- Respite
- Day habilitation
- Supported employment
Financial eligibility is determined by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. For more information, please visit their website.
- No age limit.
- Must not be enrolled in another Medicaid waiver program.
- Must have had a determination of intellectual disabled made in accordance with state law or have been diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition.
- Must qualify as a Level of Care 1.
- Must have chosen the HCS Program over the Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with intellectual disabled Program.
- Have an individual plan of care that does not exceed a specific annual cost limit.
This program provides selected essential services and supports to people with intellectual disability who live in their family homes or their own homes.
- Adaptive Aids
- Minor home modifications
- Specialized therapies (audiology, speech/language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and dietary services)
- Behavioral support
- Dental treatment
- Nursing
- Respite
- Day habilitation
- Employment assistance
- Supported employment
Financial eligibility is determined by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. For more information, please visit their website.
- No age limit.
- Have a determination of intellectual disability made in accordance with state law or have been diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition.
- Not be assigned a pervasive plus level of need (LON 9).
- Live in their own home or with their family.
- Not be enrolled in another Medicaid waiver program.
- Have a plan of care that does not exceed the specific program annual cost limit.
- Have chosen TxHmL over the Intermediate Care for Facility for Persons with intellectual disability program.
The Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) program provides home and community-based services to people with related conditions as a cost-effective alternative to an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID). A related condition is a disability, other than an intellectual disability, that originated before age 22 that affects the ability to function in daily life
Community LIDA’s Centers are designated as Local Intellectual Disability Authorities (LIDA’s). The LIDA’s serves as the point of entry for publicly funded intellectual developmental disability program whether publicly or privately operated. In addition, LIDA’s provide or contract to provide an array of services for persons in the intellectual disability priority population with general revenue funds.
Services and supports provided in a client’s home and at other community locations to assist the client to achieve desired outcomes identified in the annual Person Directed Plan.
- Face to face contact in the consumer’s home or at other community locations
- Face to face contact with family necessary to achieve identified outcomes
- Transportation assistance
- Habilitation activities, such as training in self-help and independent living skills, implementation of programs developed by a licensed therapist, or implementation of programs to develop appropriate social behaviors
- Assistance with medications and the performance of tasks delegated by a Registered Nurse in accordance with Texas state law
Supports provided for the planned or emergency short-term relief of the unpaid caregiver of a consumer when the caregiver is temporarily unavailable to provide supports due to non-routine circumstances.
- Assistance with activities of daily living such as grooming, eating, bathing, dressing and personal hygiene
- Assistance with functional living tasks, assistance with planning and preparing meals, securing transportation, ambulation and mobility, reinforcement of behavioral support of specialized therapy activities, medications and the performance of tasks delegated by a registered nurse in accordance with state law, and the supervision of the consumer’s safety and security
- Limited nurse services authorized for the purpose of providing training or specialized service
- Habilitation activities to facilitate inclusion in community activities, use of natural supports and typical community services available to all people, social interaction and participation in leisure activities and development of socially valued behaviors and daily living and functional living skills
Individualized service to help locate paid employment in the community.
- Assist identifying job preferences, skills, and requirements for the work setting and work conditions
- Assist identifying prospective employers offering employment compatible with identified preferences, skills, and requirements
- Contact support network to facilitate employment
- Contact prospective employers and negotiate on behalf of the consumer
(Supported Employment)
Employment in an integrated setting with on-going individualized support services. An employer must be in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act in compensation.
- Training, supports, or interventions related to sustaining employment provided directly to the consumer while on-the-job by a program provider staff or contractor
- Contact employer supervisor on behalf of the consumer to sustain employment
Treatment and monitoring of health care procedures prescribed by a physician or medical practitioner or required by standards of professional practice or state law to be performed by licensed nursing personnel.
- Face-to-face or telephone contact with the individual to provide nursing care, health condition monitoring/assessment, and/or medication administration and monitoring
- Face-to-face or telephone contact with a collateral (i.e., family member, other health care providers or service providers (excluding service coordinators and licensed/certified staff employed/contracted by the program provider) regarding the health/medical condition of the individual and/or any training related to their health/medical condition
- Nursing is provided by a nurse who is currently: Licensed as a registered nurse (RN) by the Board of Nurse Examiners of the State of Texas; or
- Nursing services and supports are provided based on established and documented medical needs as specified in the Plan of Services and Supports that is in place at the time the service was delivered.
- Participation in service planning team meetings
- Face-to-face or telephone contact with a physician (including a psychiatrist) regarding the health/medical condition of the individual
Consumers must be: Persons assessed through LIDA and considered eligible for programs through HHSC and Part of HHSC intellectual developmental disability priority population, which consists of individuals who meet one or more of the following descriptions: Persons with intellectual disability, as defined by Texas Health and Safety Code Section 591.003; Persons with pervasive developmental disorders, as defined in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, including autism; Persons with related conditions who are eligible for services in Medicaid programs operated by HHSC, including the ICF/MR and waiver programs; Nursing facility residents who are eligible for specialized services for intellectual disabled or a related condition pursuant to Section 1919(e)(7) of the Social Security Act; or Children who are eligible for services from the Early Childhood Intervention Interagency Council.